WhoisProtector FAQs
How much does it cost to add WhoisProtector to a domain registration?
You can purchase WhoisProtector Ultra for $9.95/year or WhoisProtector Lite for $4.95/year.
Why should I register a domain with DomainPeople and add WhoisProtector?
The benefit of adding WhoisProtector to a domain registration is that you shield your identity and contact information from spammers, identity thieves, scammers, undesirables, etc. When you purchase and activate the WhoisProtector service, WhoisProtector's contact information appears in the public Whois database. Compare the difference.
If I register a domain with the WhoisProtector service, will I be listed as the registrant for the domain in the Whois?
No, WhoisProtector, Inc. will be listed in the public Whois database as the registrant of the domain. You will retain ownership of the domain and will have full control over it. You can make changes to the nameservers and contact information at any time using your DomainPeople Customer Account login.
If WhoisProtector, Inc. is listed as the registrant of my domain, does that mean I no longer own the domain?
No, you continue to own the domain. DomainPeople, through WhoisProtector, Inc., is simply masking your contact information to protect your privacy.
How do I cancel the WhoisProtector private domain registration service?
You can cancel the service at any time using your DomainPeople Customer Account login. Please note that refunds are not available for this service.
What if someone tries to contact me through the contact information that appears on the Whois protected domain?
The public Whois database requires a postal address, a phone number and an email address for every registered domain. When you add WhoisProtector Ultra or WhoisProtector Lite to your domain registration, the WhoisProtector postal address will be displayed. The WhoisProtector phone number is also listed, which is configured with a voice message advising the caller to email or send correspondence to the contact information listed on the public Whois database.
With WhoisProtector, a private email address for the domain is created and displayed in the Whois record in the following format: yourdomainname@WhoisProtector.com. With WhoisProtector Lite, your email address is displayed publicly in the Whois record.
How do I control the email forwarding service for WhoisProtector?
When emails are sent to your private WhoisProtector email address, all emails sent to your WhoisProtector email address will be filtered for spam and forwarded to the email address you provide to DomainPeople. You can modify this email address through your DomainPeople Customer Account login.
What does WhoisProtector do with postal mail addressed to my domain?
WhoisProtector will sort and process registered, couriered, and first-class mail that appears to be of a legal nature that is received on your behalf. You will be notified if mail of this type has been received, and you will be given the option to have the mail forwarded to your address. If mail is forwarded, a shipping and handling charge will be billed to your account. WhoisProtector will not open any mail that is addressed to you.
How am I notified if WhoisProtector has received mail addressed to my domain?
You will be notified by email in the event that registered, couriered correspondence or first-class mail, that appears to be of a legal nature, has been delivered on your behalf. The email notification will contain a scanned image or description of the letter or package along with the shipping and handing fees required to forward the mail to your address. You will have five (5) days in which to reply with your request to have the mail forwarded. Messages will only be forwarded following successful fee processing.
Will WhoisProtector open and read mail that is addressed to my domain?
No, mail that is addressed to the registrant of a domain will not be opened or read.
What are WhoisProtector's shipping and handling fees?
Forwarded mail is sent to you by courier for a shipping and handling fee through DomainPeople. You will be charged only if you reply to the notification email, confirming you want correspondence sent to you and agree to accept the shipping and handling charges. These fees must be paid before any correspondence is forwarded.
I want my real contact information to be displayed in the Whois temporarily. Can I turn the WhoisProtector service on and off automatically?
You can activate or deactivate the service at anytime using your DomainPeople Customer Account login.
How long does it take for the WhoisProtector contact information to appear in Whois once activated?
If WhoisProtector is purchased at the same time as the domain registration, the WhoisProtector contact information will appear immediately in the Whois record. If you add WhoisProtector to an existing domain through your DomainPeople Customer Account login, the WhoisProtector contact information will appear in the Whois record once the Whois database is updated — normally once per day.
Do I have to enter my valid contact information for a domain registration if I use WhoisProtector?
Yes, you must supply DomainPeople with your accurate contact information and keep this information up to date. This is a requirement by ICANN, who can request this information in cases of complaints and disputes. It is also very important to keep this information accurate to ensure you receive important notices and correspondence intended for you such as domain renewal notices.
Does the WhoisProtector service expire the same time as my domain?
WhoisProtector service is bound to a specific domain. WhoisProtector service will be automatically renewed on the WhoisProtector feature renewal date unless it is removed before this date through your DomainPeople Customer Account login. The service cannot be transferred to another domain.
Will the WhoisProtector service be renewed when I renew my domain registration?
The WhoisProtector service is separate from your domain registration service and is renewed automatically on its own renewal date. If you do not want to renew WhoisProtector, you must delete the feature through your DomainPeople Customer Account login before the WhoisProtector renewal date.
What domain extensions can I use the WhoisProtector service with?
The domain extensions currently supported are: .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .mobi, .name, .ag, .am, .bz, .cc, .gs, .hn, .la, .in, .mn, .in, .mn, .ms, .sc, .tc, .tv, .vc, .ws
How will WhoisProtector know if my contact information changes?
WhoisProtector uses the contact information that you maintain with DomainPeople. You can update your domain contact information through your DomainPeople Customer Account login.
Will WhoisProctector, Inc. ever reveal my actual contact information?
Your contact information will only be disclosed if required by a court of competent jurisdiction, an arbitration award, directions from ICANN or if there is a breach in the service agreement.
How do I contact WhoisProtector customer service?
You can contact WhoisProtector at info@whoisprotector.com.